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Each student is expected to adhere to a code of conduct that governs the employment of all Smith students who work in both on-campus and off-campus jobs. See On-The-Job Expectations.

Base Campus Pay Rate

The Massachusetts minimum wage rate rose to $15.00 per hour as of January 1, 2023. Therefore, the base pay rate for students is now $15.00 for on campus jobs and $15.50 for off-campus work study.

Hour Limits

Academic Year
Students may not work more than ten hours per week, but may hold more than one on-campus position to meet this allowance.

Academic Year Breaks
Students may work up to 35 hours per week during breaks but students should review the impact on their work study award.

Summer Employment
Current students continuing enrollment in the fall are eligible for summer student employment. Summer employment begins the day after exams end in May, and ends the day before classes start in September. Students can work up to 35 hours per week.

Work-study students may hold an additional on-campus position to meet this allowance.


Hours Per Week

First-Year Students

Up to 8

Transfer Students


Up to 10

Ada Comstock Scholars

Up to 10

All Returning Students

Up to 10

Types of On-Campus Jobs


On-campus work-study refers to all positions on the Smith campus, no matter how they are funded or whether faculty, staff or other students oversee them. Work-study students have priority for all student jobs. Although jobs open up to non-work-study applicants after October 1, those jobs must be re-advertised the following year for work-study eligible applicants. Non-work-study students may not keep a job for more than one year.

Pay Rate

Current base campus pay rate.

How to Apply

Apply for on-campus work-study jobs for any office or department online.


First-year students with work-study have priority for all jobs. After October 1, other students (upperclass and non-work-study students) may apply. The largest employer on campus is Dining Services where students can find convenient work and lots of available shifts.

Pay Rate

Current base campus pay rate.

How to Apply

Dining Services emails directions to entering first year work-study students on how to apply for Dining Services shifts online. For more information, contact Rick Rubin at 413-585-2318 or


Students with work-study have priority for all jobs. After October 1, other students may apply.

Pay Rate

Current base campus pay rate.

How to Apply

Housekeeping jobs are advertised online under Facilities Services and notices may be posted in individual houses.


Residence Life positions are for returning students only; first-year students are not eligible. No student holding a residence life position may hold an additional job. Head residents (HR) and house coordinators (HCs) are for Smith seniors completing her last year of academic course work.


Work-study students will receive a stipend, which is much greater than the maximum work-study award. This stipend replaces work-study if you receive financial aid. The payroll office issues automatic stipend payments in the regular bi-weekly student payroll for the length of employment. Payment is prorated if you do not start immediately in the fall.

Head Residents also receive credit toward room and board.

How to Apply

For more information and to apply, visit the Residence Life website.

Internships & Fellowships

Internships and fellowships are open to returning students only; first-year students are not eligible. Non–work-study interns may not hold an additional regular campus job.

Mellon Mays Fellows

Mellon Mays Fellows are overseen by Institutional Diversity & Equity and receive a stipend paid automatically in the bi-weekly payroll. Mellon Mays Fellows are not eligible for a second job, whether on financial aid or not.

Kahn Student Fellows

Kahn Student Fellows are overseen by the Kahn Institute and receive a stipend. Students are paid the stipend automatically in the bi-weekly payroll. Kahn Fellows may not hold a second job.

Kahn Fellows will be given extra grant aid to cover the difference between the standard work-study and the Kahn stipend.

Research Assistantships

AEMES and STRIDE Scholars are chosen upon admission to Smith and receive a stipend for two years for research work as well as a grant. First-year AEMES and STRIDE Scholars may not hold a second position. Sophomore AEMES and STRIDE Scholars may hold a second position two- to three-hour position.

Other research assistant positions are available throughout campus.

Research assistant positions vary greatly in the number of hours offered per week. Work-study students may hold more than one job as long as you stay within the 10-hour-a-week maximum. Students without work-study may apply for research assistant positions; however, work-study students have priority.

Graduate students are never eligible to work under a faculty member's CFCD grant.

Pay Rate

$.25 more than the base campus rate in any given year.

How to Apply

Research assistantships can be externally or internally funded, and must be advertised to all students to allow work-study students the opportunity to apply.